Sunday, May 29, 2011


Too difficult to write in English, jadi Bahasa Indonesia aja, yaaa... :p

Hmm... Mulai dari mana, ya? Gw dan suami termasuk orang yang cukup teledor dan boros soal uang. Sadar betul dengan keborosan gw, sementara anak makin besar dan butuh biaya sekolah yang pastinya gak sedikit, setahun terakhir ini gw baru mulai berpikir untuk investasi. Bukan nabung ya, tapi investasi.

Tahun kemarin, gw sempat memulai usaha kecil2an mendesain baju batik Garut dan jualan di Facebook. Gw pikir, one day gw pingin jadi pengusaha. Be my own boss. Siapa coba yang gak kepingin? Not too bad sebetulnya, walopun jalannya masih slow-motion. Beberapa desain masih kurang diminati, dan gw masih harus belajar banyak tentang padu-padan batik. Tapi trus gw mikir, modal yang gw keluarkan udah lumayan banyak sedangkan pemasukannya masih seret. I know, usaha gak akan semudah membalik telapak tangan. Yang penting adalah ditekuni. Tapi modal gw gak banyak, dan masih gw gabungkan sama penghasilan bulanan dari gaji. Di saat mulai kehabisan modal itu, gw mikir, nerusin atau berhenti, ya? Karena uang buat keperluan lainnya mulai kepake untuk tambahan modal. Gw pun memutuskan untuk berhenti dulu.

Sebagian modal bulanan gw alihkan untuk tambahan modal suami, yang juga punya sambilan jualan sana-sini. I think he's a much better seller than me. Dia punya penciuman pasar yang bagus, dan networkingnya juga menurut gw oke. Dari sekadar main sepeda hari Minggu ke Thamrin, atau lihat-lihat mainan di toko Multi, dia sering dapat kenalan yang ujung-ujungnya jadi customer. Segala macam yang lagi hype bisa dia jadikan uang. Dari CD metal underground, topi dan kaos band metal limited editions, sepatu, spare part sepeda sampai skateboards. Dan karena dia jualan dengan sistem PO, kemungkinan meruginya cukup kecil dibanding usaha batik gw. Hasilnya alhamdulillah lumayan. :)

Gw sendiri mulai aktif baca thread reksadana di FemaleDaily Forum (walopun malu untuk posting, jadi cuma baca2 aja, hehe), googling ke blog2 orang lain dan masuk website investasi semacam bloomberg dan infovesta. Mungkin agak terlambat, karena banyak member FD yang sudah mulai sejak beberapa tahun lalu, tapi better late than never kan? Thanks juga untuk blog-nya irrasistible, yang membulatkan tekad gw untuk mulai.

Dari hasil baca-baca di sana-sini, sekarang gw sudah punya dua jenis reksadana.
1. Reksadana Saham (Panin Dana Maksima)
2. Reksadana Campuran (Panin Dana Unggulan)
Kedua produk ini termasuk yang return pertahunnya paling besar untuk masing-masing jenisnya, stabil dan track record pengelolanya juga baik selama ini.

Dengan bantuan software "My Plan" di, gw membuat perencanaan keuangan untuk masa depan. Gw harus beli rumah, menyekolahkan Maka sampai minimal S1, siap2 punya anak kedua, dan menyiapkan dana pensiun. Dari semua hitungan kebutuhan itu (kecuali perencanaan anak kedua, belum gw masukin ke plan karena takut lihat angka yang keluar), gw harus menginvestasikan sekitar 4,8jt perbulannya. Wakwauuu! Bayangin berapa angkanya kalo nambah plan anak kedua, ya? Mo pingsan rasanya... Saat ini gw belum bisa mengalokasikan dana sebesar itu tiap bulannya, tapi tiap gajian gw paksakan untuk top-up kedua produk yang gw punya. Panin Dana Maksima rencananya untuk DP pembelian rumah, sedangkan Panin Dana Unggulan untuk pendidikan Maka (di luar tabungan pendidikannya).

Target berikutnya adalah menutup utang2. Yep, gw dan suami masih ada utang hasil keborosan masa lalu. :p *jedotin kepala ke meja*. Gw berharap akhir tahun ini kita berdua sudah bebas dari utang, dan gw berniat menambah satu produk reksadana lagi, jenis pendapatan tetap. Incaran gw antara BNP Paribas Prima II atau Schroder Dana Mantap Plus II.

Btw, gw sangat menikmati investasi ini. Kegilaan gw akan online shopping bisa banget gw alihkan ke sini! Setiap kali transfer, jantung gw deg2an kaya kalo ngeklik "confirm" di online shop. Dan senangnya bukan main tiap kali surat konfirmasi pembelian RD nyampe ke rumah gw. :D :D :D

Oh ya, lupa. Satu hal penting yang mendorong gw memutuskan untuk berhenti usaha baju batik adalah kerjasama dengan tukang jahit yang masih kurang mulus. Karena tukang jahit gw tidak bekerja eksklusif untuk gw sendiri, jadi jalannya terlalu lambat dan sering kali harus menunggu dia kelar ngerjain jahitan orang lain.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Current Makeup Routine

I change my makeup routine depending on my mood and skin condition.
This is what I wear on my face these days:

1. Biore UV Perfect Face Milk, SPF 50+ PA+++
High sun protection with matte result. I love the oil control from this product and it has very little white cast, almost none, which keeps my foundation true to color.

2. Monistat Chaffing Relief Gel-Powder

This is currently my favorite primer! I have Kanebo Media makeup base (with SPF 27) but compared to Monistat, Kanebo looses big time in controlling oil. But it does even out my skin tone nicely. So, in hot humid days, I prefer to use Monistat while my Kanebo Media works for cooler days or evening, when I dare to expect my makeup to last for 2-4 hours only.

3. Kanebo Lunasol Water Cream Foundation in OC 03
I have always loooved Kanebo makeup products! I think it's my favorite Japanese makeup brand. I don't actually own this foundation, I only swap my foundation temporarily with a friend. This shade is a tad too light for me, but still blends nicely on my skin. My tone suits better with YO, but I think YO 03 would be a tad too light as well.
I must say I SUPER LOVE this product! With combination of Biore UV Perfect Face Milk and Monistat, this foundation lasts all day. Whereas with Kanebo Media base, my makeup --this foundation-- only lasts 2 hours! This foundation blends like a dream, provides medium coverage, enough to cover imperfections on my face. The result is glowy, healthy and fresh. I blot once a day, with much less oil shows up on the blot paper. I intend to buy my own jar soon!

4. Everyday Minerals Flat Top Brush
This is my own personal heavenly brush for applying liquid/cream foundation! This brush does not shed at all, really easy to handle and gives perfectly even application and flawless result. Well, doesn't mean flawless skin tone though, as my skin is far from flawless. And even though this has flat top, this brush can still provide sheer to medium coverage, depending on the type of the foundation used. So, don't worry that you'll look like wearing a mask with this.

5. Kanebo Kate Stick Concealer in NB
Another Kanebo product, haha! Thanks to my friend, Amalia, who informed me about this concealer. This is a great product! I use this to cover my dark circles and flecks. It gives medium coverage, completely invisible after blending, not cakey whatsoever. Thank God the NB shade matches my skin tone quite nicely, since there's only 2 shades, and NB is the darkest one.

6. Silky Girl Oil-Control Pressed Powder
Ah! My current favorite! Could be my HG pressed powder. If you read my review on Revlon PhotoReady Pressed Powder, Silky Girl beats Revlon big time! Color match is way better, and oil control is also much more superior than PhotoReady.
I couldn't believe it cost only S$8.90! I really hope this powder will be available in Jakarta soon, following the loose powder which I know is already available in the market here.
Silky Girl also have BB pressed powder. I swatched it on my hand when I was in Singapore, but I thought I'd test the oil-control powder first before buying another Silky Girl product. Well, I can tell you that I'll probably buy this next time I have the chance!

7. Majolica Majorca My Lashes Extend Elegantly Mascara
I don't know about other people, but I prefer a mascara that gives longer lash effect rather than thicker lash effect. My eye area is already pretty dark because of my thick eyebrows, so having thicker lash effect would add darkness to my eye area which will not look good. Majolica has superior waterproof effect, which is great for me. Unlike Kiss Me Heroine Mascara, which also has superior waterproof effect, Majolica does not shed my lashes!

8. NYX Lipliner Pencil
I am so very happy to have found this lipliner pencil! It is cheap, easy to find (I buy from eBay) and good quality. I have several colors now: Natural, Peekaboo Natural (my favorite!), Soft Brown, Nude Pink, and one more which I forgot the color.
I have never tried the high-end lip liners, because I don't want to spend too much for such a small product. Among the middle to cheap lip liners I've tried, Bourjois, Revlon, Oriflame, this is the best! Covers my natural lip color (which is dark) and makes my lipstick looks perfect. I can wear light-colored lipsticks, even nude ones, thanks to this. Easy to sharpen, the wooden pencil is soft enough for a regular sharpener to handle, and does not break easily! I don't think I'll ever need to buy another brand as this is perfection for me already.

My Love for Japan

Last Monday, May 16, 2011, I had a meeting that punched me right in the face like a wake up call...

I met five Japanese business men and talked about possible business proposition between the two companies. Two of them can speak Indonesian, and all of them speak English quite fluently. But I took the chance to communicate in Nihongo every now and then in the meeting and afterwards.

I haven't met and talked to a Japanese in two years, and I never fully realized how much I had missed it! The meeting lasted for two hours and ten minutes after they left I was bursting in tears. Suddenly I realized, my love for Japan is still far too strong to be forgotten.

My first love for Japan started in the year 1995, when I nearly graduated from high school. The first Japanese dorama ever aired in Indonesia, Tokyo Love Story, was on in Indosiar TV station and it was becoming such a hype. I never missed an episode! When the dorama reached the end, I was left crying for a whole week. A WHOLE WEEK!

I couldn't believe the male character, Kanchi/Kanji Nagao, would break the heart of Rika Akana, the leading female character. Rika is a cheerful girl with warm heart, fun and full of love. A day is never boring with her. Rika falls deeply in love with Kanchi and basically does everything to make him happy. Kanchi is a gloomy person, so with Rika, the world seems much lighter and more exciting. Instead, he chooses Satomi Sakeguchi, another gloomy character with a grouchy face. Her mouth is always sullen, and her hesitated act is very annoying. Such a boring character!

My heart was broken, along with Rika's. My curiosity became very high. What an idiot Japanese! What the hell was Kanchi thinking?! And why the "seemed to be inferior" Satomi can be so dominating in disguise? What kind of culture influenced their way of thinking?

The dorama ended just after university application for me. I suddenly had the urge to learn Japanese language and culture. But it was too late. I was already accepted in Actuary diploma program and had paid for the first year's tuition. Seeing my passion to learn Japanese, my mom allowed me to apply for Japanese diploma program if I wanted to. But I know the tuition paid would be lost. And being fully aware of my parents' financial condition back then, I just didn't have the heart to do it.

A year passed by, I was doing quite good in Actuary program. I made good grades and had good friends. But the love was just too hard to ignore. I decided to take prep class for university exam, and determined to apply for Japanese bachelor program --which cost about 1/4 than the diploma program--. Took the exam, and... I got in! I left my Actuary program, started my day as a freshman again in the Japanese bachelor program. A year wasted, said my brother. But I didn't care. All I know is my parents would pay much less for the bachelor program (for 4 years) rather than the diploma program of total 3 years. So, selfishly I'd say I didn't cause them lose money.

Four years spent in the Japanese bachelor program and I loved every moment of it! It wasn't easy, and I wasn't the smartest person in class. But my passion was really strong for the language and culture. I made a few Japanese friends and the story of why I wanted to learn Japanese got me a ticket to attend "Nihongo Sekai Gakusei Forum 2000" (World's Japanese Speaking Student Forum Year 2000) in Ogaki, Japan.
I was shocked when my Sensei put my name as one of the candidates, because like I said, I wasn't the smartest one in my class. Here's what Yamazaki Sensei said: Widi, of course I know you're not the smartest one. But this is an international forum. Every attendant must speak their mind in the forum. Those smart kids in your class don't even always have the guts to speak their mind in the class, let alone in an international forum. So, be confident! I'm sure you can do this.

So, basically I was nominated due to my shamelessness to speak in Japanese, no matter how lousy my grammar probably was. :p Four students were nominated. We were to write an essay in Japanese, record our voice reading the essay we wrote... The essay and voice record was then sent to the event's committee, for their consideration. Looking at the lame subject I picked for the essay, "Nihongo wo Narau Riyuu" (The Reason for Studying Japanese) I didn't think I'd be chosen. But I was! Together with my junior, Florian Hutagalung, we were sent to Ogaki, Japan, and spent a week expanding our Japanese knowledge along with other students from 28 countries. It was an experience I would never forget!

Anyway... It was 11 years ago. After graduating in the same year, I spent seven months working as Japanese Guest Relation Officer in a five-star hotel, and over seven years in Japanese-comic publishing company. I got more opportunities to visit Japan (Tokyo) during my seven and a half years' working in the publishing company and was very happy!

Course of life changes and I moved to another publishing company. Here, after over two years of working, I only got one chance to visit Japan. And less and less opportunity to work with Japanese (language and people). My vocab is getting poor, and I seemed to have neglected my passion. My meeting last Monday opened my eyes... I need to get back on track and re-live my passion for Japan. I am determined to look for another job, which connects me back to the language and culture.

Wish me luck, people! :)

Monday, May 16, 2011


Pigar, that's the name of my beloved hubby. Yep, just that one word.

We got married about 6 months ago, on May 1st, 2005, after a great deal of chaos in both our hearts. We worked in the same office, the same division, but not that many people know how we could end up marrying each other. It all started about 2 years ago...

I was going steady for about 2 years with a guy who also used to work in the same division. (i know, i suck! Isn't there anywhere else to find a bf??? My sis called me having a "melrose place syndrome".) Anyway, me n my bf had a strong relationship and i must say, this guy is the best person i have ever met. He'd pick me up in the morning (from his 20km-away-house) and took me home after work, everyday. He hanged around my house all the time, and grew very close relationship with my dearest nephew, Nanta. But everything was so routine with him, and i'm the kind of girl who gets bored real easily. Somehow, i could never feel complete with him. I was always looking, for i didn't know what. Something was missing. After almost 2 years, i couldn't bear it any longer. I needed a break. I didn't break up with him, bcoz i wasn't sure i was ready to lose the best guy i could ever find, and i also knew he would be devastated if i leave him. He loved me too much.

I decided to take a 1 month break. During that 1 month, i talked a lot with this guy named Pigar. The guy who soon became my best friend. It was sooo easy to talk to him. He never judged me for anything that i did, but somehow he could always point out the good things that i should do. Everything just clicked when i was with him, i didn’t know how or why. I liked the way he never crossed the red lights, regardless how crazy the other motorcycle riders were behaving. And if u live in Jakarta, u’ll know what i’m talking about. I liked the way he organized his stuff, and how he always washed his hands after riding his bike. And mostly, i liked the way he smiled every time he saw me doing something he didn’t approve. I think, it’s the kindest way of saying “u shouldn’t do that”.

My feelings started growing for him, but i kept it to myself. He even warned me, that as human, once in a while we want to act selfish. But there are other people to consider, and most of the time, we should think more about other people than ourself. It was his way of saying that i couldn't just leave my bf for no concrete reason. After one month, i made a decision. I chose to go back with my bf. And what did Pigar say? He said, it's a wise decision. But deep down, i felt like he was sad when he heard that.

Everything went back to normal... Well, almost normal. In one occasion, I told Pigar that i liked him, but i wasn't asking for anything coz it was way too complicated. In result, he became a little distant, and started going out with other girls. He also dyed his hair orange, i remember.

Then things finally turn to normal after some time. But not long. About 7 months after the break, i finally broke up with my bf. It was totally my mistake, u could say. I met someone else. A guy who was about to be engaged in a week with another girl. And again, he works in the same company. (I know, OH MY GOD!) We'd only known each other for a week, when i suddenly felt i was deeply in love with him.

I couldn't lie to my bf. I broke up with him the minute i realized my feelings, event hough there seemed to be no future for me and the other guy. That was when Pigar showed up one more time... He became my trash can, listening to every problem i was having with the other 2 men. (My ex n the other guy)

Things solved in about 2-3 months, and that other guy got married with his gf in July, 2004. He didn't actually make me happy, and i couldn't even remember what it was that made me feel like i loved him so much. At the time, i had put some distance with my ex. I've hurt him so bad, i couldn't hurt him anymore, i said. This time, i needed to be alone.

I concentrated on my work, myself. I changed my style a bit, dyed my hair burgundy, and tried to look my best being alone. Suddenly, after a month of being completely alone, Pigar said something that shocked me to the very core!

He likes me! Since the year before! He hadn't said a word, he even made me believe that our relationship was pure friends. I was swept away... all the feelings that i thought was gone, suddenly came back. It was THAT easy, and he became my bf. But we kept it quiet this time, remembering my history with the previous guy. We’d meet after work, and kept our relationship from any of our colleagues.

After he proposed to me and my family on February 16, 2005, we told our boss. One of us must be transferred to another division before we could get married. It was a difficult situation for both of us, since we really really liked our job. Anyone who gets transferred would be making a great deal of sacrifice, for our division seemed to be the most suitable both for us.

Things moved so fast, and he got transferred. Some people were disappointed by this decision, i know. Because he was one of the greatest graphic designer we had. (And we still haven’t found his replacement, after having 3 candidates up to today.) But there was no other choice, no one needed my Japanese skill as much as my division.

Anyway, we finally got married. He designed the invitation, and i prepared everything else. It wasn't the most beautiful wedding, but it was our happiest day. We were low-budgeted, since he was in financial difficulty and my parents just spent lots of money on my sis' wedding in December, 2004. There was no big party, just religious ceremony in a mosque and small gathering with closest friends and family.

Not everyone approved what we were doing. They talked behind our back, and judged our action, i know. But despite all the look everyone gave us, he said to me, "How long do u think people are gonna talk about us? A month? A year? Who cares! It's US who's going to live a life together, forever. It's OUR happiness." And as cliche as it may sound, i then believed, that soulmates are from God. I never expected to marry my own best friend, who is also a friend of my ex. (my very kind ex.)

After years of relationships, i was never ready to get married. But with Pigar, i took us only about 2 months to realize how much we wanted to marry each other, and a total 8 months till the wedding actually happened.

U see, the beauty of my hubby is... He is always optimistic, even more than the optimistic me. He sees the world in the most brightest way, and takes my hands to enjoy every second. He brings laughter and happiness, not only to me, but to everyone around me. We are still best friends. I can see him in both ways, as a friend and a husband. He also treats me like a friend, and a wife. He makes me laugh, cry, happy, and sad in the exact precision. At the right precentage. So, eventhough our life is not perfect, i'll always cherish the way he show his love to me. Sometimes when i look at him, i smile silently... I still can’t believe it. He’s my best friend, for God sake!

I love u, hubby.

Note: This post was originally posted on my multiply page, Oct 25, 2005.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Singapore Haul, 06-09 May 2011

I had a chance to go to Singapore last weekend. I was so excited because it means Watsons' tour for me! Yep, since I had to go without my family, I thought I might as well spend my money (not too much, though) in Watsons than going to tourism places alone.
After writing, editing, re-writing again my wishlist, here's what I ended up buying:

From left to right:
1. My Beauty Diary Bird's Nest Mask (S$14.50)
I have been reading great reviews on this mask. The bird's nest is supposed to whiten your skin, but I can't really tell for sure as the package is written in Chinese. But I do see the kanji of "white" on it. So I guess I'm on the right track. There are 10 sheets in the box (threw away the box to save space in my luggage), and I gave two to my sis-in-law.

2. Majolica Majorca Lash Expander Frame Plus (S$25.90)

I have been using Majolica mascara for several months now and I must say it is one of the best. What I love about Majolica's mascara is the super waterproof formula! This is the newest formula for lengthening the eyelashes, with 2 kinds of brush on the end. One is coil type and the other is comb. Dunno the effect yet as I have not opened this up. I still use my old mascara, which I think might last for another 2-3 months.

3. Hada Labo Super Hyaluronic Acid Face Wash (S$12.90)

Got this a little cheaper, S$23.00 for 2 tubes, and shared the other tube to my dear friend, Arie. If you hadn't, please do read my previous post about Hada Labo. This is my favorite face wash ever! My all time favorite face wash in the world. Seriously!

4. Hada Labo AHA/BHA Face Wash (S$12.90)

This is my second favorite face wash after the SHA one. Ran out of it, so I'm really happy to get this.

5. Shiseido Aqualabel Deep Clear Oil Cleansing (S$18.50)

I was so excited to try the brand. Bought the Clay Face Foam Wash and the Lotion S before, only to find out they don't suit me. But I'm still curious to try the cleansing oil, as some of my friends say it's good.
Well, tried this. Like it. Not loving it. Why? The consistency is light, almost like water, which I like. Kind of similar to my favorite cleansing oil, UNT Huile Demaquillante. But... it is strongly fragranced! Which I hate. As for the cleaning part, it seems to be quite clean, but still doesn't beat UNT's.

6. Kanebo Kate Mineral Powder Foundation Refill (S$25.50)

I bought the refill in shade OC-D and put it in my Kanebo Fair Crea case. It has SPF in it but I forgot how much. And to lazy to google it now, haha! I was planning to pair this with my Kanebo Kate Lasting Liquid Foundation which was too dark for me (OC-G), but have never got to try them together yet.

7. Silky Girl Oil Control Pressed Powder (S$8.90)

The star of the haul! I read the review on Kimoko's blog and decided to try it in Natural shade. This is a great steal! Very cheap but performs unexpectedly. Keeps my face matte all day long and does not oxidize. And the color, though looks pretty light in the pan but suits my skin perfectly. Love!

8. Mentholatum Sunplay Water Kids Sunblock Lotion SPF 30 PA++ (S$12.90)

Bought this for my boy, for swimming and playground time. Not opened yet, so I dunno the consistency etc.

9. Biore UV Perfect Face Milk SPF 50+ PA+++ (S$15.50)
This is another star of the whole purchase. I bought my first bottle a year ago in Singapore, but only tried it once. I found the consistency to be thicker than the blue bottle (Biore UV Perfect Milk SPF 50+ PA+++) so I figured the result would be more oily. But, boy was I wrong! This one creates nice and matte canvas for makeup, with very very little white cast and helps my makeup last long hours!
I ended up selling the one I just bought here to a friend who needs a sunblock, since I still got my last bottle almost full anyway. And I still have three other sunblocks (Aqualabel, Nivea Japan and Neutrogena) in my drawer. :) But, I will surely buy this again. And again!

There you go! Not too much, right?
Anything here inspire you for your next haul? :D